
Spelthorne Borough is not only ideally located for business it is a great place for developing your business. There are a wealth of opportunities across many sites in our towns and industrial parks as well as smaller town locations.

Property Search

Spelthorne Borough has a range of available housing, which includes everything from modern developments to traditional rural living. There are many unspoilt villages and four busy towns. ​

Zoopla can provide a range of information about house prices and the rental market in Spelthorne Borough. Start your search today

Commercial Property

  • The Spelthorne Property Locator Service will provide you with a most up to date property report based on the criteria specified by you. For a copy of a local property report send the details of the type of property you are searching for, size and location to our Economic Development Team
  • There are also a number of national online property searches and local property agents that cover the Spelthorne area. For details of local agents email the Economic Development Team

Business Parks in Spelthorne

  • This PDF document provides a list of Business Parks in Spelthorne.​
  • Further details of each site see the site assessments undertaken in the Councils Employment Land Review 2016

Need Help with Your Commercial Search?

Spelthorne Council are here to support businesses, so contact us if you require any information or support and we can help you to find the right premises for your business.


Spelthorne is an excellent location to hold business events, as it is conveniently located next to Heathrow Airport, close to London with a fantastic rail and motorway network. There is a range of venues available from:

  • Kempton Park Racecourse
  • Holiday Inn Shepperton
  • Runnymede Hotel
  • Spelthorne Business Hub

If you are a venue in Spelthorne that would like to be added to the list, please email