Skills & Employment

At Spelthorne Council, we are committed to helping residents to find suitable employment that can offer them the skills and stability long term that they need. Here you can find information on training, workshops business start-up advice, employment & recruitment for businesses.

Training & Courses

There are a range of benefits to promoting up-skilling and training the workforce. There are some useful online training opportunities for both businesses and individuals.

Find out more information here.

Spelthorne Youth Hub

Spelthorne Youth Hub will be launching in September 2021 to help young people aged 16 to 24 back into work or education. This scheme is open to any young person who needs help to identify their education or career path and connect them with local education providers and employers.

Schools, Colleges & Universities

We have some fantastic education providers in and around the Spelthorne Borough.

For a full list of the local Schools, Colleges and Universities email:

Bounceback Street

Bounceback Street is an exciting new collaboration between Spelthorne Council and local businesses to help low-skilled unemployed people back into employment. The programme will work on building the employees confidence and identify transferrable skills and then match them with suitable employers to start them on their new career path.

Business Start-up Advice

There are a number of organisations that offer a range of support for businesses who are starting up. Our Spelthorne Business Hub is a great location for mentoring, support and business start-up incubation space.

For a free copy of your “Start Your Business in Spelthorne Book” email us at

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